G&B Electronics automate standard processes through K3|dataswitch
G&B Electronics is a business with over 35 years’ industry experience, and one which is transitioning its business model in order to remain at the forefront of an electronics industry, which its Managing Director describes as ‘feast or famine.’
Facilitating this evolutionary business model transformation has been a SYSPRO ERP solution, first implemented by K3 in 2012. Since then, the solution has enabled G&B Electronics to reduce the time it previously spent on administrative tasks, and by automating standardised processes, has also provided strong foundations on which the senior management team can build a more effective business model.
Quicker, more accurate processes
A real benefit of G&B’s SYSPRO implementation is the time the company has saved on creating part numbers. The company is using SYSPRO’s standard processes for creating part numbers and accelerating this by integrating the ERP solution with K3|dataswitch, K3’s data manipulation and integration tool. This is enabling G&B to reduce the time it used to take to create part numbers from up to 10 days at a time to just a day, and sometimes hours. Furthermore, because the process is automated, the business is also benefitting from more accurate data, and reducing the risk of human error. This is giving G&B complete control over its product structure.
By reducing the time it takes to perform manual processes, key figures within the business have been freed up to consider the effectiveness of the overall business model, and the impact this has on general market conditions.
At a glance
G&B Electronics
Industry sector
- Electonics
Solution & services
- K3|dataswitch
The benefits
- Time saving from 10 days to 1 day
- More accurate data
- Reduction in human error
Managing Director Laura McBrown, explains: “Businesses that still have to perform time-consuming manual tasks are struggling to compete. We quickly recognised that we were losing valuable manufacturing and production time to data entry and needed an immediate solution to this.”
“Businesses that still have to perform time-consuming manual tasks are struggling to compete. We quickly recognized that we were losing valuable manufacturing and production time to data entry and needed an immediate solution to this.”